I preferred the Pro controller setup especially considering how small the Joy Con buttons are. There are also classic Gamecube style controls as well as motion controls similar to those found in the Wii port. The default is the new dual-stick function which feels much like a modern shooter. Speaking of controls there are plenty of options here. The option is still there to have Samus automatically look down, but I never needed it with the new control scheme. Platforming is also much more accessible, being able to look down with the analog stick. The ability to shoot with the right trigger also feels good, but for hammering out some of the faster enemies I still found myself locking on and mashing the A button to take them down faster. This means the new dual-stick mechanics make some encounters a little easier than they should be. The combat is also built for a lock-on mechanic. The map was great for the area I was in, but when tracking down the next objective it left a little bit to be desired. There are no large beacons pointing the way and instead players have to rely on their senses and backtracking to move forward. Knowing where to go and what to do is not always apparent. For example the progression can be confusing at times. While Nintendo and Retro have done an outstanding job of bringing some quality of life features to the game, it still was designed a certain way. Developer Retro Studios truly mastered their craft with this entry in the franchise. The protagonist is silent, the story is told through scanning items, and yet it feels more alive than some games with an abundance of cut scenes. The game has excellent pacing and really drives players to dig out every inch of this alien world. Every area feels ripe for searching each nook and cranny. The world is one of the most amazing creations to explore. Yes this is a first person “shooter” but it is also so much more. Metroid Prime is kind of in a league of its own. This is far and away the definitive version of one of the best games ever made. This is also not just some quick port, work has been done. Now Nintendo has revived the game and from its reception and sales it is clear, gamers are ready for Samus to return to her glory.

Since its release there were a couple sequels and then a ton of games of varying quality released that never hit the pinnacle of the franchise that Prime did upon its release.
#Metroid prime for switch series
The physical version will be available for purchase from the 22nd of February 2023.I have always felt like Nintendo treated the Metroid series as a second class citizen. In classic Nintendo fashion, Metroid Prime Remastered is being made available for purchase on the Nintendo eShop the same day it was announced. These include dual stick controls (where movement and point of view are controlled with different analogue sticks), one that more closely mimics the feel of the Gamecube original, as well as other options. The remastered port of Metroid Prime adds some new control options to suit a variety of players.
#Metroid prime for switch how to
Samus’ ability to scan items and the planet’s fauna also allows you to obtain more information about the world around you and acquire clues about how to proceed. In classic Metroidvania fashion, Samus must acquire new gear and visor upgrades as she goes in order to unlock new areas to explore. Set on the planet Talon IV, protagonist Samus Aran must combat villainous space pirates and their biological experiments. The game brought the exploration focus from Super Metroid into a 3D FPS game, and succeeded spectacularly, both critically and commercially.

The original Metroid Prime, which released back in 2002 and was developed by Retro Studios, was a revelation in Metroidvania game design. Reports of the Metroid Prime games coming to the Switch have been circling for a while it is yet to be seen if the other two games in the trilogy will also be remastered at a later date. This port will contain multiple additional control options. One of the most pleasant surprises of today’s Nintendo Direct was the confirmation that not only is the Nintendo Switch getting a remastered port of the original Metroid Prime, it even comes out today (digitally, at least).